I have to say, I just love shooting this family. Most of you know I don’t take on clients as a rule, but if all families could be as easy as this one always is, I might rethink that! They always pick such beautiful locations, they dress so perfectly (beautifully coordinated, but not cutesy matchy-matchy—just […]
Wow!!!! Jessica!!! What a beautiful family. You did such a fabulous job capturing them. When are you coming to SoCal to photograph my family?!? <3ReplyCancel
As with most holidays, Halloween in our house is full of traditions… The month starts out with a trip to JoAnn Fabrics to pick out a pattern for Emily’s costume, which she insists I make each year. This year I was lucky and she picked an easy one—the accessories were crucial and mostly covered up […]
Jessica, I always look forward to your Halloween posts 🙂 You are crazy talented and did another great job w/ her costume (*and* makeup –kudos!) Pumpkins = amazing. And the second image down of her photo shoot is my favorite –the tones are just gorgeous and it looks like you + the new Lensbaby make quite a pair. <3ReplyCancel
Could she be anymore gorgeous?? This was such a fun post to go through. LOVE the way the pumpkins turned out. 🙂ReplyCancel
DebZorn -November 2, 2012 - 12:39 pm
This is my first time visiting your blog. I found you through CM.
The photos of your daughter are divine! She really knows how to “rock” the camera! Thanks for sharing.ReplyCancel
Wow, wow, wow! Emily looks gorgeous – you did an amazing job with the costume! Beautiful, beautiful! Those pumpkins are crazy good! I have trouble with triangles for eyes….ReplyCancel
So, my husband is great, and I mean fantastic, at creating pumpkin designs and carving them. So I decided this year to dedicate a post to his awesomeness (well, at least from when I have digital images!). In 2004 Tom made two hard pumpkins, because Mickey and Minnie just have to be together… He generally […]
In part because of the internet, the world of female photographers feels somewhat small. And even if we don’t know each other in person, we tend to read each others’ blogs: sharing our art while sharing our lives, reveling in each others’ successes and supporting each other through adversity. I only recently learned of the […]
Very Kind Words…..No matter how long you have known someone, whether you’ve know them a long time or just met them…it is always difficult because you miss them being there. May the Moms be strong and honor your friend with great pictures…ReplyCancel
So this year Emily and I decided to change it up a bit and do the Sacramento ClickinWalk instead of the San Francisco one like we did last year (mine, and Emily’s). We knew a couple of women who would be there already, and one in particular I was excited to meet (Kate!) as we’ve […]
Our blissful summer has drawn to a close, and we find ourselves thrust back into the real world. Primarily for us, the difference means getting up early, and HOMEWORK. Lots and lots of homework. This year seems like it won’t be too bad on that front, or at least we hope! She is in her […]
Today was exciting—we got to witness history being made… Emily had the day off of school, so we made the short, early morning trek out to Moffett Field to watch the very last flight of the Space Shuttle Endeavor. We parked a ways away and walked into Moffett to meet up with some friends. The […]
Wow!!!! Jessica!!! What a beautiful family. You did such a fabulous job capturing them. When are you coming to SoCal to photograph my family?!? <3