First, I had flowers delivered from my Dad: Then, Emily made me cupcakes (she is VERY into baking and cake decorating these days–it’s NOT good for my health…): …which I got to photograph the next morning: Then we had a relaxing morning of Glee and donuts, followed by wine tasting (Tom took this of us–I […]
What a wonderful birthday indeed!! I love the pic with you in it 🙂 I’m blown away by Emily’s cupcakes, wow! They are beautiful and I love the colors <3 I hate it when Lauryn bakes, I can't stay away from it!ReplyCancel
I had some grand ideas for this month, but I couldn’t quite get schedules to mesh like I’d planned. I REALLY wanted a shot of my husband and I, because what’s a post about love without showing the man you adore? But that’s the one that just never worked out. Ah well… This month was […]
I know I’ve told you a million times but Emily is just the sweetest and you are doing a fantastic job raising her. Love your images Jessica!ReplyCancel
ooh, really wishing I had one of those cupcakes for dessert right now 🙂 Love the portrait of Em –the bright pink against the soft blue is beautiful!ReplyCancel
Seriously, Jessica, you have one talented girl here! I love the poem AND the cupcakes! She is amazing & your images illustrate that perfectly for us!ReplyCancel
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. i can always tell from your posts and photos that you and emily have a great relationship–it’s something i aspire to and hope i have with e as she grows up!ReplyCancel
ah, i love how these are different and yet all work together! emily looks so sweet in her fancy hat! i cannot believe she WROTE that poem… just amazing!!! you must be a proud mama to see her talents shining through!ReplyCancel
Hellebore. Common name Lenten Rose. Their leaves stiff, waxy, and decidedly ungraceful, their flowers nearly hidden. Most of them bloom fairly low to the ground, their flowers nearly always facing toward the earth, making them go virtually unnoticed. But if you take a moment to stop and really look, they are so quietly beautiful. They […]
Love these Jessica. I have these in my garden too, used to be pure white but over the years they’ve changed more into the colour of the ones in your photo. I also have the aptly named ‘stinking hellebore’! Don’t recommend that one! xReplyCancel
Wow, those are breathtaking! I am sure glad you stopped and snapped a shot. What a shy but gorgeous subject. I love how you used the clouds to naturally highlight them. Great detail too. Thanks for sharing!ReplyCancel
What a beautiful flower, Jessica! I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen one of these before and if I have, I’ve overlooked it. Thank you for sharing your sweet macro skills and showing us the beauty of this flower. The colors are divine!ReplyCancel
I admit it: I like lists. My husband laughs at me, but I think (or at least I like to think) that he appreciates my lists too, because it keeps us organized. He knows that if he calls me from Costco I will be able to tell him what we need (or even better, snap […]
This is a great idea, and your list is so inspiring! I love the idea of a girls trip. MY son and I are going to do one this summer, but shhhhh…he doesn’t know about it yet!ReplyCancel
first off, great pics! i love that water one. it looks almost icey at the shore. and i love the idea of lists. i’m working on a “bucket list” type thing. you’ve inspired me to get off my butt and do it. 🙂ReplyCancel
[…] decided that, in order to keep myself accountable on my 101 in 1001, I needed to post an update. I am now exactly one year from my end date, so today seemed like a […]ReplyCancel
[…] A few years ago for my birthday, I embarked on a project where I come up with 101 long(ish)-term goals that I would like to accomplish within the next 1001 days. I loved it, because it made me feel a bit more accountable with regards to actually doing the things I wanted to get done. It was fun coming up with ideas, and I loved the feeling of productivity and the little push it gave me. So I decided to do it again beginning with my birthday this year! […]ReplyCancel
In honor of “New Beginnings”, I first want to wish everyone a truly blissful, healthy, and prosperous 2012! Through a wonderful online photography board I belong to, ClickinMoms, I have joined with a group of 12 other photographers who each will create a blog post on the second of every month that will photographically show […]
Love ALL your new beginnings images! The light in the image of Em playing guitar is perfect! Love the action in the hockey shot & I can totally relate to the photography goals! I am inspired!ReplyCancel
I love these, but especially Emily playing the guitar! I’m so happy you joined us this year and I can’t wait to keep up with your photography journey. 🙂ReplyCancel
I love your new beginnings images as well as the story behind them. <3 You are so inspiring and I'm glad I've gotten to know you a little better.ReplyCancel
Erica -February 2, 2012 - 1:49 pm
Love seeing your images!! Especially the one of Emily playing the guitar!!ReplyCancel
Gorgeous shots of Em with her guitar!! I love how you written down your goals for the year <3 I can't wait to see what is in store for you this year 🙂ReplyCancel
Love the shots of your daughter–so beautiful! I am sure you will reach your goals with such focus and determination. Can’t wait to see the growth you bring yourself in 2012!ReplyCancel
Wonderful goals Jessica – so inspiring! I can’t wait to see your photography goals more throughout the project. Emily looks like she is rocking her resolution and that is (no surprise) some gorgeous light!ReplyCancel
I giggled at you saying that you’ll love that song more once she learns a couple of others…. I totally remember those same thoughts as my kiddos learned piano! I’m excited to watch you this year and to be part of this project with you, Jessica!ReplyCancel
My husband got me the 100L for Christmas; my first pro lens! It’s designated as a macro which I have always wanted to play with, but it does equally well with portraits, with crystal-clear sharpness and gorgeous, creamy backgrounds. I am in LOVE!!!! Boy, can I see the difference in a L lens…
Ummm… WOW! Stunning images, Jessica!!! Makes my little Nikkor 60mm look like a kit lens! I love the dew drops on the rose, the eye of the cat, and your daughter is so incredibly pretty. I can’t wait to see what else you do with this lens!!!ReplyCancel
Ooh that is sharp, you are certainly rocking that lens! I especially love the flowers leaning on the arm of the sofa, I’d love that photo in my house! xReplyCancel
Nancy Holden -January 27, 2012 - 10:01 am
Jessica, Even an untrained eye like mine can see that those are spectacular pictures. I would love any of them in my house.ReplyCancel
I neverevereverever NEVER should have hit “read more!” I’ve been thinking about this lens. Think I need an 85mm first, but after seeing your beautiful pictures, it’s definitely going on my list.ReplyCancel
I don’t normally get terribly philosophical in these blog posts, mostly because I am shy about putting my sometimes overly analytical tendencies too much “out there” for the world to see (which would prove what a nut I truly am!). But I got my very first macro lens from my dear husband for Christmas, and […]
Ok, I might have to become a bit stalkerish in a good way of your blog, your work is gorgeous, imperfection is in the eye of the beholder! love it 🙂ReplyCancel
Your post made me smile, Jessica. Mainly because some of our best photos are those that are not technically perfect. (I can so relate to this!!) I keep seeing over and over again people mentioning that their photos are not ‘technically perfect’, but their photos are perfect in so many other ways that it doesn’t make a difference! Technique is there to be a guide.
You are correct! This is most certainly ‘pristinely poetic’!
I honestly think it’s the imperfections that make the world beautiful. If everything were perfect, everything would be the exact same right? 🙂 I’m like that too though. TOTALLY like that when it comes to pictures of me too. I’m trying to get over it. I think it’s an absolutely gorgeous picture, and flower. :)Here’s to embracing imperfection!ReplyCancel
i’m glad you kept it. and glad you wrote about it… 🙂 for so long, i’ve been shy and embarrassed to post my pictures because they are soo far from perfect, as are my photog skills. but i realized a few months ago, that i will never be perfect, nor will my photography, so i needed to relax and enjoy this journey. hehe… sorry, tangent. anyway, the shot is perfection, and i hope you so enjoy your macro!!! 🙂ReplyCancel
Oh, I’m so glad you kept it! It’s a gorgeous picture, and I’ve been thinking (practically nonstop) about a macro lens, so you’ve given me more reasons to lust after one! Why do we want our pictures (or our lives for that matter) to be so spot on perfect? I’m having such a crazy start to the new year, I practically have to hug imprefection and invite it in for tea!ReplyCancel
I’ve been seeing photographers posting their very favorites from 2011, and I love that idea because I love being able to see what an artist selects as the images that truly make THEIR hearts sing. So to close out my first calendar year of having a blog, I wanted to give it a try as […]
Oh seeing these beautiful images again it’s like going down memory lane…so beautiful and nostalgic!! Your pictures are full of happiness and joy, they make me happy!!! <3ReplyCancel
I love this, Jessica! You’ve inspired me to do the same. And even though the one of you and Em may not be the most perfect of these in the technical sense, it’s my favorite!ReplyCancel
Oh nice! So lovely that you included yourself and a photo your daughter took! My son wants a point and shoot and I’d love it if he’d just go and have some fun!ReplyCancel
Your work is so beautiful! You are such an inspiration and I always love looking at your picture shares. Can’t wait to see what 2012 brings for you!ReplyCancel
Wow. These are awesome! My faves are the one with the book and cup on her head, the martini and the one where she is wearing the mask. And great self-portrait!ReplyCancel
[…] post is inspired by my friends ANNIE , JESSICA , Joyce and Kelly who recently posted this project on their blogs. These photographers (and […]ReplyCancel
These are all gorgeous!!! I especially love the mask one, really cool! 🙂 That is a great pic of you and Em. 🙂 And, yes, she has an eye for comp-that last one is very nice!ReplyCancel
Such a gorgeous collection of photographs Jessica!! I remember the first time I saw that very first photography (I think on a CM post) it took my breath away and it still does every time I see it!! Love it!!ReplyCancel
you must be so proud of your work. it’s all stunning! <3ReplyCancel
Mara -February 8, 2012 - 5:27 pm
Hello, I found you through reading ALL of the BBF threads on ClickinMoms, which I recently joined (and I’m loving it there!). I LOVE these images – they are gorgeous. It helps that your daughter is so beautiful! Great job!ReplyCancel
[…] is my third year of doing this (here are 2011 and 2012), and I always love to look back on my year so I’ve decided to keep it an annual […]ReplyCancel
Wow, what a fabulous day – the cupcakes look amaaaaaaaaazing!
What a great birthday! Yummy homemade cupcakes and a new camera would make ANY girl smile! 🙂
What a wonderful day!! Those cupcake look so yummy!
Wow, what a great day! Happy belated birthday!
What a fun day, the cupcakes are adorable! Beautiful pictures, such a cute family!!
What a wonderful birthday indeed!! I love the pic with you in it 🙂 I’m blown away by Emily’s cupcakes, wow! They are beautiful and I love the colors <3 I hate it when Lauryn bakes, I can't stay away from it!
What a great birthday! Those cupcakes look awesome! Happy Birthday Jessica!