This post: It’s been a LONG time coming… We moved into our house right after we married (in 1996), and I have wanted to update the kitchen since before we bought the place! And then what was supposed to be a four or five week job beginning back in October ended up dragging on for […]
Love this detailed post of your renovation of the kitchen. I cannot believe how you lived with the mess of a reno, but clearly it was worth it. I am sorry you had to deal with dishonest people. That is so frustrating but glad it all worked out!!! Congrats. 🙂ReplyCancel
Nancy Holden -June 19, 2014 - 6:35 am
I am so happy that it is finally finished. I think you were extremely patient with the whole long process. It is beautifulReplyCancel
I decided since it’s summer and most kids are now off of school for a couple of months, this would be the PERFECT tutorial for June! I feel so passionately about the subject of kids’ ability to learn photography, and there are things you can do to foster their interest at all ages. I think […]
In all my years of blogging, I kind of love that never have I had more hits (or Pins!) on a single post than this one, which is simply images of a bouquet of peonies on my dining room table. I’ve blogged about Disneyland, a potential shooter at my daughter’s school, and Elf on a […]
This month in our little circle we focused on really moving in, getting up close to our subject. I feel like I shoot like this all the time, but I tried pushing the envelope and getting EVEN closer than I normally would. I realized it’s kind of hard! The rule of thirds is hard to […]
This month has been absolutely crazy for us… We remodeled our kitchen last fall, but there was an issue with the paint on the cabinetry, so a few weeks ago we had to pack up and get back out of our kitchen again so they could strip them all down to bare wood and repaint. […]
The third in my Tutorials series is shooting to embrace flare in your imagery. (To see the rest of the series, click on the Tutorials link in the menu items above!) I know this can be a fun look to play around with, so I thought it might be helpful to introduce some basic tips! […]
I can’t believe how quickly time is passing by. In so many ways it seems like just yesterday that I was heading to the hospital—in an ambulance, no less, because you were coming in such a huge and unanticipated hurry! Life with you has been such an amazing adventure! You have given me two of […]
Happy Birthday, Em! So cool to see pictures of you as a little girl. Love your mom and am so thankful that you lit the photography bug in her. <3ReplyCancel
Now I am nostalgic, too. I remember all of those photos and have copies of many of them. I get teary when I look at them and remember that delightful little girl, so charming and happy. However, I, too, am so proud of the fifteen-year-old Emily who is still charming and loving, also motivated and unafraid to work to make her dreams come true. I love being a grandmother to such a beautiful young woman. Happy Birthday, Emily. You are truly awesome! Love, GrandmaReplyCancel
[…] favorite photographer while Emily was modeling (some examples are here and here), Marcy Maloy, once invited Emily over for a test shoot for fun, and she […]ReplyCancel
This month was really tough for me! Our theme was “Editorial.” All of us had all sorts of ideas on how to interpret this in terms of photography, and I am betting the amazing girls in my group all did way better than I did on this one! After brainstorming time and again with Emily […]
Wow, Jessica, that place looks like such a perfect mom/daughter getaway spot! It looks like it was such a beautiful & relaxing spot for you guys to spend some time off! Love the relationship between you too. <3ReplyCancel
Jessica, these are great! It looks like, despite being sick, you both had a wonderful time. What a beautiful place! I love the light pouring in the window, and your beautiful breakfast. Kuddos to your sweet girl for letting you take pictures of her with the flu. Great story!ReplyCancel
amber norris -April 25, 2014 - 6:23 pm
Oh my gosh these are so great Jessica! That Inn looks like it was so relaxing and a great girl’s weekend getaway. I hate Emily was sick though. You did such a great job on the story telling with these images. I love it!ReplyCancel
I laughed out loud at the duck picture! He looks like he’s saying “are you looking at me?” So cute! This place looks amazing and I think your images could easily be used in their promotions 🙂 (sell them to them ) What a great idea for a mommy and me weekend – so jealous. I always love your soft and pretty work. It’s beautiful!ReplyCancel
These images beautifully document your trip- just gorgeous! What a perfect Mother/Daughter weekend.They made me homesick for Santa Barbara, though!ReplyCancel
Christine b -April 26, 2014 - 1:19 am
That place looks amazing. You made me want to go there for a visit. I always love your work…so pretty.ReplyCancel
[…] Girls while she went through lots and lots of tissues. It was a wonderful trip anyhow (blogged here), but it did leave me scrambling for this circle which I would hate to miss, so instead I went out […]ReplyCancel
Love this detailed post of your renovation of the kitchen. I cannot believe how you lived with the mess of a reno, but clearly it was worth it. I am sorry you had to deal with dishonest people. That is so frustrating but glad it all worked out!!! Congrats. 🙂
I am so happy that it is finally finished. I think you were extremely patient with the whole long process. It is beautiful